zaterdag 21 juli 2018

MOoH! Group discount - super cute dress with lots options!

Hello sweeties,

Its time for another MOoH! group discount!
This time its a super cute dress with a hud to change harness, top and the skirt!

Mia soft is the name of this cute dress from MOoH!
Fits: Maitreya, TMP, Belleza, Slink and also the standard sizes!
HUD: 4 belt metal options, 4 harness options, 3 skirt and 8 top!
The dress is for sale for all group members of MOoH!
Only 99L till the 26!
Remember that the is only for sale inworld!
100L group fee but being a member has alot of benefits!
150L card every month - weekly special discounts and more!

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